Senior Buddy Program

Our Senior Buddy Program fosters meaningful intergenerational connections by pairing college students with older adults in assisted living facilities and community centers. Through this program, we help reduce social isolation and loneliness, improving the overall wellbeing of the residents and the community.

Our proven buddy program model improves resident satisfaction, mental health, and overall well-being.

We can also provide training to your existing volunteer base, covering topics such as understanding eldercare, ageism and biases, and how to best provide and promote compassionate care.

Comfort Kits

StudentsCare Comfort Kits are an extension of our services that we offer to older adults participating in our Buddy Programs to help provide comfort and support.

Help fill a Comfort Kit with love by sending an item from our wishlist.

At StudentsCare, we believe in fostering vibrant and engaging communities for older adults through our group activities. Our carefully curated activities offer a wide range of opportunities for social interaction, mental stimulation, and physical well-being.

Our events and are designed to cater to the unique interests and abilities of older adults, all while building strong intergenerational connections.

Past events have included karaoke, art classes, craft activities, holiday celebrations, a “senior” prom, among many other engaging activities.

How Does it Work?

StudentsCare facilitates partnerships with senior facilities and nearby universities.

Meet Our Buddies!

They’re Awesome!

Bring StudentsCare to Your Facility

Brighten your facility with our specialized buddy program, bringing connections and care to your residents!

Share Your Story!

Your bravery, strength, and love inspires all of us at StudentsCare.


Undergraduate College Students Volunteer | Seniors | Senior Care Facilities
Improve health Outcome in Seniors, Increase Independence, Improve Quality of Life in Elderly, Improve Daily Functioning in Seniors, Increase Social Engagement in Elderly

What our partner facilities are saying about StudentsCare…

“A resident was reported as having a very severe depression, confused, at times not answering the phone, not wanting to talk. Thanks to his StudentsCare Buddy he now feels so different. He called me and his voice sounded totally different, excited, energetic, happy. He said this was thanks to his StudentsCare Buddy, Daniela- his ‘angel'”

United HomeCare, Miami FL

“StudentsCare Buddies bring additional care to our residents with quality activities. They are great of assistance to the Social Services Department. Resident’s spirits are up and more inclined to participate in activities.”

Residential Plaza Blue Lagoon, Miami FL

“Much appreciated! Words cannot express how much we appreciate the donations and the time.”

Wesley Enhanced Living, Media PA

“StudentsCare Buddies give more time to our residents when I can’t.”

MorningStar Senior Living, Glendale AZ

“They [StudentsCare Buddies] are amazing in the way they work with our residents during activities, helping them to be able to enjoy all activities with a much lower level of stress. They bring comfort. The residents really enjoy having the volunteers around. The change in energy is noticeable and the residents seem much more engaged.”

Susan S. Bailis Assisted Living Community, Boston, MA

“StudentsCare Buddies are a blessing to the older adults of Miami-Dade County. The motivation of your dedicated volunteers to provide the assistance needed by the homebound clients of UHC, from the moment they come to the office, experience the needs, and get involved with our clients, they are true professionals in the field of Aging. I call that COMPASSION!”

United HomeCare, Miami FL

“StudentsCare Volunteers are so talented, with an education that allows them to support and interact with our residents on a whole new level. With so many residents, it is difficult for us to have constant one on one interactions with seniors. That’s where the StudentsCare program has been so beneficial because volunteers enable us to provide the personal care that seniors need.”

Residential Plaza Blue Lagoon, Miami FL


Mark Li

“Played Rakkumib (I think that’s how you spell it) with two residents, then set up Bingo and got to talk with a few other residents I haven’t seen in a while.”

University of Texas Austin

Kelly Mayol-Graciano

“Sang karaoke, danced and played Simon says. They loved playing this game and were grateful that we spent time with them.”

University of Miami

Nahomy Cuarezma

“There was a group activity where multiple volunteers and buddies were present. It was a chance to get to know the residents, so we talked, ate pastries, and danced a whole lot.”

Florida International University


Residential Plaza at Blue Lagoon

Miami, FL

Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center

Philadelphia, PA

Parsons House Austin

Austin, TX

Mary Ryder Home

St. Louis, MO

Susan S. Bailis Assisted Living Community

Boston, MA

Queen Anne Healthcare

Seattle, WA

MorningStar at Arrowhead

Glendale, AZ

Area Agency on Aging of Broward County

Area Agency on Aging of Broward County

Sunrise, FL